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"A loving heart sees the need and does what needs to be done."

~Matthew 25:35-40

Brotherhood/Laymen Ministry
The Men’s Ministry ministers to the needs of the men of the Church and community by providing services, programs, and events that seek to address the issues that men are confronted with in their Christian life. Noted programs are Prison Ministry, Men’s Conference, and a Mentoring Program.

Children’s Church Ministry
The Children Church is held during the regular church worship hours. Children learn to worship God on their level by following an order of service that is relevant to their spiritual and developmental levels. Children ages 4-9 may attend.

The College and Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult Ministry extends the mission of CUMBC to the young adult members of the congregation to assist them in understanding the biblical role of young adults and how this relates to their daily lives. To build self-esteem and confidence in them by showing them how God has created them in His image, to pray and intercede together, to encourage and serve others within the young Adult community using the mission of the church as their guide.

The CU Connector
The CU Connector is a medium for communicating the month-to-month and day-to-day activities, happenings, and events of the membership of Central Union. The monthly publication includes information for spiritual, personal, and professional growth; all geared toward helping the members live victorious Christian lives. To receive your CU Connector by email, please, notify the church office.

Deaconess and Ministers’ Wives Ministry
The Deaconess Ministry consists of Deacons’ wives or widows. The Ministers' Wives Ministry consists of ministers' wives and/or widows.  Members are co-laborers with the Deacons in assisting the Sick and Shut-in, assisting female candidates for Baptism, and assisting with the Holy Communion.

Deacon Ministry
Deacons are servants who are set aside to assist the pastor in caring for the membership. Their duties include, but are not limited to visiting the sick and the bereaved, leading a fervent prayer life for the benefit of the church body, assisting with baptism, serving the Holy Communion, assisting members with needs, or securing the appropriate resources to meet those needs.

Discipleship/Christian Education
The Christian Education Ministry undergirds every ministry of the church. Its mission is to provide the educational resources, programs, and training required for ministry leaders specifically, and the church membership, generally, to advance the fundamental purposes of the church: discipleship, stewardship, evangelism, and fellowship.

Evangelism Ministry
The Evangelism Ministry is responsible for carrying out the mandate of Jesus Christ given in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

Finance Ministry
The Finance Ministry is responsible for receiving and accurately accounting for all financial and tangible gifts and ensuring that all financial obligations of the church are met promptly.

Food Service Ministry
The purpose of the Food Service Ministry is to provide food, refreshments, and other items needed for church-sponsored activities.

Greeters Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to impress upon everyone who attends Central Union Baptist Church that this church is a friendly church where its members genuinely love and care for one another. They will meet and greet people in the parking lot, at the front door of the church and the entrance to the sanctuary with a handshake, a greeting, and a smile of welcome – making visitors and members feel welcomed.

Historical/Archival Ministry
The purpose of the Historical/Archival Ministry is to maintain the Historical Records of the church.

Marriage Ministry
The Marriage Ministry provides spiritual tools and guidance to married persons through education, activities, and evangelism for the strengthening of marriages, and the advancement of the kingdom of God.

Media/Marketing Ministry
The purpose of the Media/Marketing Ministry is to promote and sustain the professional image of the Central Union Baptist Church by packaging and distributing audio/visual material from the church and enhancing its worship services with audio/video technology.

Mission Ministry
The Mission provides Christian services that meet the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the membership and the community.

New Convert
The New Convert Class teaches the new convert the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

New Member
The New Membership class disciples the new member in his/her daily Christian walk; assists the new member in determining what his/her gifts may be; and teaches the Vision, Mission, Beliefs, history, and organizational structure of CUMBC.

Nursery Ministry
This ministry provides childcare to infants and toddlers so that their parents may enjoy the worship services. Children from birth to 3 years old may attend.

Pastoral Care / Armor Bearer Ministry
The purpose of the Pastoral Care/Armor Bearers Ministry is to provide care and assistance to the Pastor, Guest Ministers, and others in their normal function of pulpit ministry.

Performance Arts Ministry
The purpose of the Performance Arts Ministry is to enhance the worship service through songs, hymns of praise, dance, and drama.

Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Warriors Ministry is dedicated to continuous prayer for the church, pastor, and all ministries of the church. This ministry is also involved in the study of God’s Word for a deeper understanding of the power of prayer.

Prison Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to provide ministry and service to men and women who are incarcerated and their families.

Singles Ministry
The Singles Ministry is open to male and female individuals who have never been married, widows/widowers, and divorcees, to provide single Christians the opportunity to fellowship together. Activities include social gatherings and workshops that focus on spiritual development and strengthening their relationship with God.


Soup Kitchen
The purpose is to provide nutritious meals at no cost to those who desire and need them regardless of race, creed, gender, or financial need. Allowing our members to fellowship and evangelize amongst fellow Christians and those less fortunate in the community.

Sunday School
The Sunday School provides age-appropriate Christian learning for every member to equip them to meet the challenges of everyday life. Sunday School is held each Sunday at 9:45 am. Presently, Saturday Morning Sunday School with Rev. Stacy Bell is being broadcast on Facebook Live at 9AM each Saturday morning. 

Transportation Ministry
The purpose of the Transportation Ministry is to provide transportation for members and visitors to and from church services and other activities as requested.

Trustees Ministry
The Trustees handle most business aspects of the church. The ministry is responsible for the upkeep of the structural condition of the building and all equipment and vehicles owned by the church.

Upward Sports
Through Sports, children are exposed to quality coaching and sports development in an affirming environment.  The Upward Sports model emphasizes building character and integrity on and off the court, instead of a “win at all costs” mentality associated with today’s sports world.

Ushers Ministry
This ministry seeks to provide for the comfort of members, visitors, and the clergy during all worship services. The ministry supports the order of service by assisting with seating, the offering, and any other aspect to ensure physical and spiritual dignity in the worship experience.

Youth Ministry
The mission of the CUMBC Youth Ministry is to equip and empower youth to engage, express, and enjoy God’s purpose for their lives through the study of His word. Youth Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7PM is A. R. M. Y. (Arming Reaching Motivating Youth).


"A loving heart sees the need and does what needs to be done."

~Matthew 25:35-40

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